Main s. Peresecina, Orhei, Chișinău
s. Peresecina, Orhei, Chișinău
ID: 13933
House for sale located in the village of Peresecina, district. Orhei.
Total area: 77.7 sqm
Land area: 12 ares
- housing status;
- connected communications (electricity, gas, centralized water, sewerage in progress);
- the center of the town.
Nearby you will find: market, kindergartens, school, commercial spaces, pharmacies, millers, children's development center, fitness room, park, linella, playgrounds, etc.
Easy access to public transport.
Total area: 77.7 sqm
Land area: 12 ares
- housing status;
- connected communications (electricity, gas, centralized water, sewerage in progress);
- the center of the town.
Nearby you will find: market, kindergartens, school, commercial spaces, pharmacies, millers, children's development center, fitness room, park, linella, playgrounds, etc.
Easy access to public transport.